Friday, January 1, 2010

Museum of Science and for tots!

We all know about the Museum of Science and Industry and often hear of its many amazing exhibits. Maybe you've even been there more than once. BUT moms you have never been there like this. The Museum of Science and Industry is a great place to entertain your tot for hours! I am serious.

If you are anything like me you have no qualms about pushing your little one around in a stroller and calling it exercise. However, at some point your conscience kicks in and you feel bad for your sedentary companion. This is exactly why the Museum of Science and Industry is perfect for you and your tot.

After strolling around for a bit and taking in the exhibits pop into the KID'S IDEA PLAYGROUND! This area is designed just for kids and tots. Brayden and I were awestruck.

I chased him through the older kids idea playground and we even participated in a few science and industry experiments. Once I was out of breath and needed a moment to stand still (seeing as the mom doesn't nap at her leisure)I took Brayden into the 0-36 months idea playground. This enclosed area is perfect for your tot! Brayden ran around, splashed in water (there are raincoats), crawled through a pirate ship, played knock-knock in a toy house and so much more! I enjoyed every minute watching him explore.

Now moms...there's more...this Kid's Idea Playground has a huge bathroom with changing tables and a breastfeeding area.

Take mine and Brayden's word for it...this is the place to be to help get through these cold months! And for only $13 how can you beat it (tots are free under 3).

Here is the website for the Museum of Science and Industry. Their site doesn't mention the Kid's Idea Playground but I assure you it is there!!!!! It is located on the main floor around the corner from the food court. Which reminds...the food isn't great so feel free to pack your own lunch and snacks.

BRAYDEN'S Pick: Black bean, rice and cheese soft tacos from Chipotle. Oh and a few mouthfuls of guacamole too.

Mingling Topic: New Year's Resolution Quotes

Mark Twain - New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions

Bill Vaughn - Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to.

Jay Leno - Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average… which means, you have met your New Year's resolution.

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